All work is strange.

Strange Work began as a series of stories edited by me, Chris Mohney. This weekly newsletter version will be entirely written and maybe edited by me, unless and until others are compelled or convinced to contribute.

Initially focused on the concept of work, both vocationally and avocationally, Strange Work is currently a wider and more esoteric series of subjects and formats keyed to more personal, meditative writing. Read more about the reasons and particulars of this direction.

For now this will be a free newsletter. If and when I start charging subscribers, it would only be to pay contributors. Unless of course I could also pay contributors as well as myself! I mean, I’m not made of stone.

You can also check out my other newsletter, F&BQ&A, which is interviews with people in restaurants and hospitality, though it’s on indefinite hiatus. Similarly, I did a long playthrough newsletter on the video game Crusader Kings, if that’s your jam.

Your time, interest, and attention are appreciated. These things, too, are work.

Subscribe to Strange Work

All work is strange.


Chris Mohney is a writer and editor and eater and drinker.