Dec 17, 2022Liked by Chris Mohney

Cane here from tumblr too, saw the cat video and it was delightful. It is worth pointing out that Tumblr also has a tendency to reblog things for...years if not more than a decade. If we have content we like (videos of cats being criminals, for instance) we will keep reblogging it until the heat death of the universe. We also really, really enjoy meta stuff. So while your Blazed run may be over, the life of these posts probably isnt.

I for one know i went from the last post to the oliver video specifically to watch and reblog it. It was never served to me.

(Another neat feature of Blazed is that it is entirely untargeted. You cannot for any amount of money choose who sees it. Its a roulette of inflicting your stuff on others, which is just so staggeringly different from other sites. It makes it have a very...pvp feel.)

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Yes I meant to mention the charm of the lack of targeting! good point

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I came here from your blazed follow up post and poked around your site to read more since I liked your investigation of this topic I care about, but then Tumblr mobile crashed and when I reloaded it I wasn't served your blaze again to reblog it lmao

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glad you made it here anyway!

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Chris Mohney

how meta to blaze this article

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can't ever resist the meta

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